Delicious Carrot Cake

Carrot cake

·       What I think about carrot- carrot is a seasonal vegetable. It is very common vegetable in the market. It is available in everyone’s house. In Indian carrot is use for pickle, sweets. The carrot plant probably originated in Persia.
·       Carrot is a root vegetable. In the market different carrot varieties and colour are available carrot
But commonly people favour orange colour carrot.
·        Carrot are good source of fiber,potassium and antioxidant. Carrot is substances with powerful antioxidant activity that have well for immune function and reduce heart disease. Carrots are good for weight loose because it has less calories and fat. Carrots are good for skin, eyes and hairs. foodbuns
·       In per 100 gm carrot has calories 41, water 88, protein 0.9, carbs 9, sugar 4.7, and fiber 2.8and fat 0.2 grams.
Preparation time- 20mintues
Cooking time-1 hour
Serving- 12
3 cups self raising flour
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2brown sugar
2vegetable oil
4eggs lightly beaten
3cups of grated carrot

Icing cream
250gm cream cheese
1 teaspoon lemon zest
3cups icing sugar

1. Preheat oven to 170to 150C, Grease cake pan with oil, and put baking paper on it.
2. Put the self raising flour, carrot, brown sugar, eggs, oil and carrot into bowl. Use a whisk to mix until combined.
3. Pour the mixture into pan and bake for one hour. After one hour tester insert in the cake if it is not stick with tester that means it is ready.
4. Put the cake into cool room for 3 to 4 hours for set the cake.
5. To make the icing, place all the ingredients in the bowl, use a blender to mix until well combined.
6.Spread icing sugar over the cake.
